Wednesday, June 26, 2013

dreams come true

Part of why I started this blog was to put down the stuff my kids say.todays question was mummy why do dreams not come true? I was tempted to reply"you know what, I wonder why too"But  of course I didnt, I told her dreams came true, it just takes a while and  some hard work. I reminded her how she dreamt of having a baby sister and she did.And all was well.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Testing, testing.

Attempting to put down the thoughts in this little head of mine on here as my online  journal. Seeing that i hate typing and all, we'll see how this goes.
its father's day today . I miss my daddy.
I'm on a weight loss journey, as always, but I'm hoping I  stick to it this time. I'm not asking for too much Father, just a size 12.i don't even want flat tummy, I can spanx all of that. just let me be able to walk into the store pick a size medium and head out ehh.*sigh.
it's Monday again tomorrow.