Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Voices in my head or nah


This online diary thing is so hard. I swear I'd  be doing the dishes or some random stuff and I'd have a long post in my head, but alas when I m done I'm too tired or I've completely forgotten about what it was.Anyways...
I've been seeing this evil Kermit memes and some of them are some funny. It plays into the thought I have sometimes that there really might be   some other person living inside of us.Me maybe? If not what other explanation for the ways I sabotage myself. Sometimes we have good intentions and we want to do the right thing, but something inside you says otherwise. Random example of myself , I know I need to lose say 24lbs,I know what to do how to do it and I decide to do it. Eat healthy , excercise,a few days in ,I give in to some temptation, maybe I see a really good looking plus size model, or its as simple as saying to myself, God created me like this , I love myself , yada, Yada , Yada, all in my head. of course I go back to binge eating and then I finally come to my senses .  Regret follows.  I can't tell you how many times this scenario has repeatedly itself. Nobody else but me sabotaged my self, I even disappoint myself more than any human can *sigh.
I'm learning to listen to the 'still quiet' voice. When I do , it turns out great.
Long work day today,but the team is fun to work with and good music helps .