Saturday, January 7, 2017

Am I going to believe?

   Memo to self:
 It's about 6a.m, and I have to write this post as a reminder to myself to believe the promise of God.
I am a firm believer of the word and I know what the word of God says about me, but life throws these curve balls every so often and I just don't know anymore.
Like I mentioned in the previous post, major decisions in this early part of 2017 and deep down I am afraid , but He has not given me the spirit of fear right?
My Bible readings for this week was the first 5 chapters of Joshua. Listen, God speaks through His word. So I know this is God saying, "see i got you," but it  still fall in the habit of worrying about how it's going to happen. I expect challenges even within the promises he has given me, but when challenges  come i still panic.
Going forward I want to remind myself everyday to believe and that it's okay. Just because I don't know all the details of the how doesn't mean it's not going to happen.
 So yes, I am going to believe and I no longer going to be afraid. I am learning to worry less.

Monday, January 2, 2017

The year 2016

  I am not one to look back at a year and say how good or bad it was, because I believe there's always going to be good and bad times. The past couple of years have been hard and I feel like one word to describe them would be "stagnant" for the most part.
I usually do cross over service and all that happy new year with church folks . But I didn't do this year, partly because I just wasn't feeling it, after all I've been going past years and same old and 2, next day was Sunday and was going to be in church anyway. I chose Sunday morning .
Summer of 2016 was my 10th wedding anniversary, underwhelmed. Just because I was hoping we would go on a vacation but that didn't happen.. to say I was disappointed was/is an understatement.  This led me to kind of take the reigns in my home for the rest of the year. I was making financial decisions and all that just because I wanted things to happen and not wait for someone to do them and be disappointed when they don't. Finally convinced my husband we had to downsize, financial strain was too much , slave and pay bills and stress continously,  I can't die for status quo please.
My biggest goal 2016 was to get in nursing school, which I didn't.  That was another sad part of the year. I put everything into it.
The devil reared it's head towards the end with health issues on the part of both my parents and  I felt handicapped to do anything because I couldn't be there . My brothers stepped up though and I'm so thankful for them.
The rest of the year was pretty much same. Grateful for my family, kids and friends.
Formed a whatsapp group with old friends, which has been a blessing honestly.  I can't imagine life without those girls.
 Made progress on fitness goals. So happy about that.
 Stepping into 2017 with fear, because I'm going to stop working and go back to school full time. I am scared. But I'm hanging on to Jesus's coattails and saying bring it on.
My sister had another baby last minute of 2016 too. That was another bright spot.
Looking forward to lots of things in 2017. I know it's going to be a hard year, I know ( not working and school). And I also know we will be fine.
So bring it on 2017.